[POST-CEIT-facultycouncil] FW: Please respond immediate...and canvass your constituencies

Michele Dornisch Michele.Dornisch at liu.edu
Mon Jul 25 21:55:36 EDT 2016

Dear colleagues,

As you may know, I am serving, with Terry O'Daly and Alex Henderson on the search committee for the campus-wide VPAA.  At present, we have had one meeting to discuss the process.  However, since that meeting, I have been contacted by the VPAA regarding the faculty's perspective regarding the following scenario.

A senior administrator who has been at the institution for more than a decade has applied for the position.  It is possible, then, that the administration could reassign this person to the position, ensuring that the person in the position has campus-based knowledge and experience.

The question we - and our faculty colleagues - must answer is whether we want to move forward with a search or whether we want someone to be in this position as soon as possible.

Some things to consider:

-          Currently, campus-based academic affairs is unstable.  Specifically, we have interim deans for four of our colleges/schools and the other two colleges/schools have deans who have only been on campus for the past year.  Having someone in this position as soon as possible may actually help bring academic affairs a little more stability.

-          A search would likely result in not having someone for the position until Fall 2017, and it is likely that whoever is hired for the position will need at least a year, if not two, to become familiar with our specific issues and concerns. The prospective candidate is already familiar with the issues on campus and could hit the ground running.

-          Given that the candidate is internal and has been at the institution for more than a decade, we have every expectation that the person would remain in the position.
Please email me at mdorn at liu.edu<mailto:mdorn at liu.edu> with your thoughts about whether we should indicate that we find it acceptable for a current administrator to be reassigned to this position (given the above information) or should we insist upon a full search. I will collect information from CEIT colleagues and gather the same information from others across the university via their Faculty Council representatives.  All responses sent to me by Friday, July 29, will be used in the Faculty Council's response to the VPAA.

Thank you,

Go n-éiri an bóthar leat,
Michele M. Dornisch, Ph.D.
Le mieux est l'ennemi du bien. [The perfect is the enemy of the good.]- Voltaire
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