[POST-CEIT-facultycouncil] FW: enrollments

Michele Dornisch Michele.Dornisch at liu.edu
Sat Sep 19 13:58:49 EDT 2015

Please see the attached information about enrollments from the dashboard, shared by the faculty council chair with the faculty council.

Go n-éiri an bóthar leat,
Michele M. Dornisch, Ph.D.
Le mieux est l'ennemi du bien. [The perfect is the enemy of the good.]- Voltaire

From: Nancy Frye
Sent: Saturday, September 19, 2015 1:58 PM
To: LIU Post Faculty Council
Cc: Louisa Vida
Subject: enrollments

Hi everyone -
Someone asked about enrollments. I'm attaching a print screen from the dashboard. It just has the numbers for Post. If there are any other numbers you might be interested in, let me know. (Department chairs should have access to this information as well - if you're a chair and don't, check with your dean about getting access to the dashboard.)


Nancy Frye, Ph.D.
Department of Psychology
LIU Post
720 Northern Blvd.
Brookville, NY 11548-1300
Office: Life Sciences 152-C
Phone: 516-299-4290
Fax: 516-299-3105
nancy.frye at liu.edu<mailto:nancy.frye at liu.edu>

“Knowledge is knowing that a tomato is a fruit, wisdom is not putting it in a fruit salad.”
Miles Kington
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