[POST-CEIT-facultycouncil] FW: updates + updated dates

Michele Dornisch Michele.Dornisch at liu.edu
Tue Jul 7 13:03:02 EDT 2015

Dear Colleagues,

Once again, in my role as one of your representatives on the Faculty Council, I am forwarding this update from the Faculty Council chairperson to the full-time faculty of the CEIT.  Please note that the schedule change is expected to take place in the 2016-2017 academic year, and there has been no specific decisions on what that schedule will be.  However, it does look like it will include fewer common hour times as well as more class sessions on Fridays.

The committee which met (below) is not a policy-making committee - it is simply a committee to foster better communication between the faculty and administration.



From: Nancy Frye
Sent: Tuesday, July 07, 2015 11:37 AM
To: LIU Post Faculty Council
Subject: updates + updated dates

Hi everyone -
I hope you all had a good Fourth.

I'm writing to give updates, with respect to the Campus Leadership Committee that we discussed at one of our last Faculty Council meetings in the 14-15AY, as well as to give updated dates for faculty meetings in the 15-16AY.

In the 14-15 academic year, we had approved of the creation of a Campus Leadership Committee. This committee would be comprised of the officers of Faculty Council, along with various other faculty members depending on the issue at hand. The group would meet with the VPAA and other relevant administrators, depending on the issue at hand. The goal of this group is to foster communication between faculty and administration, and it will meet approximately once a month. Please check with your constituents, and let me know if you or your constituents have any ideas of topics that should be addressed in this forum.

About a week ago, the Campus Leadership Committee had its inaugural meeting, to address the issue of scheduling. As you know, there is discussion underway about how to best ensure that students are not put in a position of having multiple classes that they must take that are all offered at the same time, and to help ensure that there is more activity on campus on Fridays. Along with the Calendar and Scheduling Committee, and an ad hoc committee of faculty from CLAS, we had sent out a survey to get a sense of faculty preferences. I'm attaching the results of that survey. At the Campus Leadership Committee (which was attended by the VPAA, Nick Ramer, Moreen Mitchell, Jackie Nealon, Gale Haynes, Michele Dornisch, Eric Lichten, Louisa Kramer-Vida, and Amy Freedman, and Glenn Magee. (The faculty were a mix of Faculty Council officers, representatives from the Calendar and Scheduling Committee, and the ad hoc faculty committee from CLAS.)

Discussion focused on the possibility of reducing the number of common hours, from four days a week to two. There was debate concerning the use of the common hour for student clubs, and how extensively it's used, and what an optimal time for it might be. There was also discussion of adding more Friday classes. (Currently 7% of classes, I believe, are offered on Fridays, and there would be a goal of increasing this.) Additionally, there was discussion of developing a schedule four years out, so students would be able to ensure that they can fit in all their required classes. This would also allow departments to get a sense of enrollments in advance, and to help ensure that there aren't conflicts across departments in terms of classes that students in certain programs might need. There is an option on PeopleSoft that might be able to be used for this (to automatically flag potential conflicts for departments), but we do not currently have that option enabled.

I want to underscore that these were all points of discussion, and no decisions were made. It was emphasized by the VPAA that the Campus Leadership Committee is a consultation and discussion body, rather than a decision making body.

There will be a follow-up meeting of the group, in order to have more discussions regarding possibilities for scheduling software and coordination of scheduling over time and across departments.

With respect to meeting dates, although I had sent out a list of dates several weeks ago, I apparently jumped the gun on that - it turns out there are some conflicts with some of the dates. Below are updated dates for meetings, with the changes in bold. (It is only Faculty Council meeting dates that have changed.) I expect that all Faculty Council meetings will be in the Hunt room, but I have not yet received confirmation of that. All full faculty meetings but the first will be in Kahn 212 (where we met last year). The first meeting will be in Kahn 205. This room holds some more people, and the president is scheduled to come to the first meeting.


Faculty Council

Thurs, September 24
Wed, October 21
Thurs, November 12
Wed, December 2
Wed, January 27
Tues, February 23
Wed, March 16
Thurs, April 14

Full Faculty

Wed, October 7 - president is coming, Kahn 205
Thurs, December 10
Wed, February 24
Thurs, April 21

Nancy Frye, Ph.D.
Department of Psychology
LIU Post
720 Northern Blvd.
Brookville, NY 11548-1300
Office: Life Sciences 152-C
Phone: 516-299-4290
Fax: 516-299-3105
nancy.frye at liu.edu<mailto:nancy.frye at liu.edu>
"Knowledge is knowing that a tomato is a fruit, wisdom is not putting it in a fruit salad."
Miles Kington
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