[POST-CEIT-facultycouncil] FW: updates: bot planning meeting, ufs, bot jan meeting

Michele Dornisch Michele.Dornisch at liu.edu
Sun Dec 20 12:35:55 EST 2015


As per standard procedures, I am - as one of your faculty council representatives - forwarding some information from the Faculty Council chair.  Again, please feel free to email me if you prefer not to receive these updates, and further, please feel free to delete, sight unread, should you like.

The information contained herein is with respect to the UFS meetings.  Minutes are provided from the November meeting.  Further, the Faculty Council chairperson's summary of the December meeting is attached.

Dr. Frye also has provided the following summary of a discussion she had with other faculty governance representatives, the chair of the BoT, the VPAA, and President Cline this past Friday.  That summary is presented below.

As always, I send this summary on behalf of all of your CEIT faculty representatives on the Faculty Council.


Michele Dornisch, David Jank, Louisa Kramer Vida, Roberta Levitt, Jeong-eun Rhee

On Dec 18, Eric Krasnoff invited me, Hildi Hendrickson, Becky States, Rob Digregorio (the new chair of the faculty group in Pharmacy), Kim Cline, and Jeff Kane to his place in the city. The goal was to have a less formal discussion, to get everyone to know each other a bit. Discussion focused on ideas for strengthening LIU. It was more of a brainstorming session. It sounds like there is a high level of interest on the part of the administration in developing internships where possible. It was noted that this would not be the role of the faculty, but, ideally, there would be a group of administrators working with faculty in various areas to see what might make sense to do. I suggested bringing in the Athletics, Orientation, and Student Life committee, if they are interested. (Again, there was no commitment made to do anything - these were just ideas in discussion.) At the meeting, the question of rumors of campus closure was raised. Apparently there are rumors at Brooklyn that their campus will be sold. The chair of the Board of Trustees, the president, and the vice president all vehemently and definitively said that there will be no closures of campuses. (This may or may not be reassuring news, depending on whether these rumors are news to you - but the bottom line was a clear commitment to building the university at all campuses.)

Finally, with respect to the full Board meeting in January, since no Faculty Council members were able to attend, I asked a few people who live in the city. Tom Fahy has agreed to attend. As you know, we need to send in a statement to the Board, by Jan 4. If you have ideas of matters that you want brought to their attention, please let me know.

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